Nero Magis Riserva

A Pignolo.
Aged for a long period in barriques and then in the bottle. Periodical tastings reveal when it is ready for release.

This is a linear, heavyweight wine full of vigour – for its assertive but well-knit tannins – with olfactory notes dominated by spices, echoed by exceptional length. A wine with the gift of longevity. Therefore, a wine to wait for.

The glass is the required tool for “listening” to the music of wine. Just like the wrong temperature, the wrong glass can negatively alter the nose and palate. If it’s the right glass, we can get on intimate terms with the wine, a compulsory passage to understanding its soul, its essence, before we love it completely.
Otherwise we risk ruining years of work in the vineyard and cellar. Hence the choice of a Riedel Extreme Cabernet glass, which brings out the wine’s irresistible charm to the full.